Like Donald Trump, I Once Believed in Harshly Punishing Flag Burners — But Then I Went to College…..
By Jeneane Vanderhoof
Donald Trump has recently called for Congress to give jail time to those who burn the American flag.
When I was in college, I had the same point of view as Donald Trump, that people should go to jail for burning the American flag. Then, I enrolled in a debate class and, unfortunately, was given the assignment to argue (in a debate with another student) the opposite point - why it was good to burn the American flag. As I left the class, I thought, how am I gonna argue this point- as I thought there was no merit to it.
So I got on the Internet and researched it. There I found a story of an American troup. I can’t remember which war he was in, I’d assume it was the second world war, as he was captured, I believe, in this true story, by the Chinese (but I might be wrong). Regardless, this is a true story between a captured American troop and his captor.
As the American troop was being berated and abused by his foreign captor- he was told how disgusting our country was, that Americans were even allowed to burn our own flag and do- the captor used that as an example to the captive troop of why Americans, as people, are so deploarable and also, why are countries ideals (beliefs, freedoms) are. Well, the troop turned to him and told him that was why our country was great- because we have the freedom to burn our countries flag (something the captor could NEVER have the freedom to do in any communist country, God forbid, or some form of dictatorship).
It seems Donald Trump wants to institute all kinds of objectives that he has done no research on, has no knowledge about and it seems, someone points out something to him and he just says, “No, this just can’t happen.” Did he do any research to find out why we burn the American flag? Why is it protected as an American freedom? All in all, when I did my research in college almost twenty years ago- the real, actual instances in which someone burned an American flag in this country were so small as to almost be nonexistant. In a way, at the time, too, I had pride in the fact that while Americans could burn the flag (and there are always those unhappy with the government), it barely happened.
However now, while I have no idea how many flags are burned yearly, with America’s current state- I am sure the figure is no longer something to be proud of- especially with Trump asking Congress to send those to prison who do it. When you look at the current political climate, too, I wouldn’t be surprised if some of those flag burnings were done only to be an expression of that freedom- and the hope we keep them.
All in all, when it comes to our freedoms and “Making America Great Again (as Trumps slogan states),” America is slowly becoming a country where our freedoms are being ground down and taken away. America isn’t being made great again with these acts, America isn’t going to be America anymore (as we know it) soon- if we go back and institute this man to the highest office in our country. Realistically too, is this man even really qualified to be there? He can’t even talk about politics - and only slings insults.
That assignment changed the way I looked at our government, gave me even more pride in the freedom I thought this country gave me- than my thoughts before, on protecting our flag from those who would burn it- especially when a captive troop is being chided by a man from a country with a leader that would never let them burn a flag- and probably kill them for it and he gives such an answer, as the captive did, when being told how awful the freedoms Americans have are.
Because it’s not out of disrespect for our country- that we can burn the American flag- but out of the freedoms that Americans are given by being citizens that we can. While, yes, there may be some who liberally burn the American flag, and sadly, they abuse this right- as they don’t seem to understand the power of it. But we can not take away freedoms that are due to all Americans - just because of those who don’t realize the power that comes with a citizen of a country being able to have the freedom to burn that countries flag.
Because Americans have so much freedom (or at least we once did)- that we can liberally (and literally) burn the flag of the country we are citizens- if we want to. It is really a great right to give to a citizen. Think of the freedom you have to have to do that, to have such a great right of expression against ones own country- and then compare it to other countries- and the punishment you get, when you burn a flag there.
Females have already lost the right to control what happens with their own body because of this man- Whatever one thinks about abortion, I was born in this country and told that this is a woman’s own right! Women that came before me fought hard- sacrificed so much to fight for that right for me too. When it comes to the rights of those in this country, all I can see is Donald Trump taking them. Because that’s all he has done before. Don’t let him take more than he already has.
Because Donald Trump isn’t “Taking America Back”- he’s setting America back, to a state we have never before seen in this country- where our freedoms are being taken, one by one….our capital is attacked and I don’t even want to ponder what could be next…