Linda Cheng Brings A Fictional Asian Girl Group to Page- With Mysteries Surrounding the Group and A Metaphysical Edge- in Gorgeous Gruesome Faces on Nov. 7, 2023
by Jeneane Vanderhoof
Mina, Candie, and Sunny are part of the Asian girl group invasion- having tried out to be part of a new group and reality show (that seems far from reality, as they each auditioned for a “type” or role, plus they are given lines to learn) called Sweet Cadence. Though the girls had never met before they became part of this group, the fact that Candie was an Internet sensation, makes her the leader- that, and her personality- along with the fact everything she does is polished, perfect, and seemingly, with ease.
Once the girls of Sweet Cadence get over their initial feelings- begin to bond- and get to know one another, they seem to be very close. At least that is what Sunny thought and Candie seemed to convey. When they are confronted by a crazy fan of Candie’s, who shows up at one of their practices with a gun, the fact they get away alive- is all due to what Candie does to the fan. Firmly commanding him to leave, the man suddenly calms, his eyes glaze over and, as if hypnotized, agrees to do everything the lead girl says.
However, Mina, the girl who held the group together with her heartwarming personality, dies and the group disbands. And Sunny has never been too sure of what happened, how, and why Mina died. But, as much as she hated being the center of all the bad media that was published before the group dissolved, Sunny misses the limelight- being on stage, performing, and the adoration of her fans. And it seems since everyone who watched the show only loved Candie, Mina still wants to show the world the wonderful person she is- and what she can offer her fans and the world. Because things always came easy for Candie, all the dance moves, the singing- and she always portrays herself the right way in public (though much different in private), always knowing what to do and say so that people will love her (and only her)- Sunny, a different story, always having to work hard to get and stay where she was and wants to be.
Years go by (after the end of Sweet Cadence) and Sunny sees that Candie is participating in auditions for a new girl group. There is an open call and Sunny feels like this may still be her chance too. But, the one thing she wants the most is answers- how Candie could walk away from their friendship without a second glance or one word over all these years. And, most of all- what happened to Mina? How did she die? Sunny was never given these answers and she knows if anyone has them (and they probably do), it is Candie. Candie is always in the middle of everything, controls everything, and knows everything. Sunny wants to know what she knows and this is the only way to get to her former showmate.
Though far from in shape for performing, the girl’s old manager is at the audition for the new girl group. Because of this- Sunny ends up with an invitation.
When she arrives for the competition, she is then made to give up her cell phone- the only contact with the outside world when the girls are allowed to use the Internet. And when Sunny gets to her accommodations she finds she will be rooming with her old group mate, Candie. Despite all the years they spent together, Candie has very little to say to her, so Sunny is left to make new friends- and enemies. However, the one thing she must do is practice hard and keep up- girls are eliminated throughout and Sunny now wants to make it to the end- be in the limelight once more. There Sunny feels she may get her answers.
When girls start dropping like flies- first there are accidents, girls hurt so bad that they have to leave, eliminated, Sunny starts to get a bad feeling. And then there are the strange things she sees- Mina, but a distorted, monstrous version of the girl she knows- a strange room with a door out of sorts in the building the girls stay in- that appears and disappears. Then come the memories of the time she spent with Candie and Mina in Sweet Cadence- and things that happened during the girl’s time together. Even then, Candie seemed to have played a part in disasters that occurred. However, when it comes to all the bad things that happen- they never seem to happen to Candie, just everyone around her and everyone that gets in her way.
For all the things Sunny has seen, the fact that she doesn’t know what happened to Mina and that Candie hasn’t said one word to a girl she spent so much time with for years and was extremely close to- while Sunny never thinks that she could be in danger, that, even if Candie is at fault for all the bad things that happen and is causing them- Sunny never once questions if Candie would do anything bad to her. But if Candie played a part in Mina’s death or caused the whole thing- the next person in line for elimination is Sunny. However, Candie did promise Sunny long ago, after the incident with the fan, that she would make sure Sunny was never hurt. Will she keep her promise- if she can do all these bad things to others? And if she did something bad to Mina?
Because, in the end, for all Candie’s smiles and sweetness- no one gets in her way and if they even get close- something ends up happening to them (many broken bones surround Candie all through her present, past, and probably future).
Gorgeous Gruesome Faces is a mystical, mystery story- set around the pop world and three young girls. Entertaining, filled with a great main character, and the best kind of villain- Candie, a little like a wolf in sheep’s clothing, for all the young readers (and even older ones) it teaches us lessons- that mystical powers meant to protect can corrupt the user- until they no longer deserve them (if they ever deserved them in the first place). That those the public often think of as perfect people, like Candie, who has a pretty face, loads of talent, and a super personality- wear these characteristics like a mask, and underneath, there lies a real monster.
A story that switches back and forth- from then and now- as the story of Sweet Cadence unfolds you learn of how everything dissolved between the girls as you get to the end of the mystery of what happened to Mina as Candie and Sunny audition for a place in a new group, Mina gone (at least in her physical form). It’s a book you can’t go wrong with when you pick up- exciting until the last page, you won’t want to put it down until the whole story comes together about what happened to Sweet Cadence, Mina, and the truth of Candie, who she really is-
Happy Reading!