Well, Trump never got to build his fence, "devotees" need a place to start something for this "new world order". I just have a whole lot of problems with the rights I feel these Republicans want to take away from me. When I was young I would have never got an abortion myself. I figured if there is a heaven, I didn't want to explain why I did that to my child. But, now, in my early forties and physically declining from bad genetics and ignorance of the damage of obsessive sports (softball all spring and summer all the time) i my youth (that was never meant to be anything but pure fun for me), pregnancy wise my body has Benjamin Buttoned itself the way I should have been as a teen. I couldn't get pregnant at sixteen and stupidly, I had tried. However, at the time, at least I would have had the help and physical capacity to raise a child. Plus, maybe a child would have led me down a path using some sense. My first pregnancy was at twenty, I was going to be married and God chose to take him from me at 23 and a half weeks. At the time, he was 7 days away from being viable for life. Today he would have survived. But, as the towers fell on Sept 11 I barely noticed as I sat and watched my firstborn struggle to live and know, in time, I would have to make that decision to say goodbye. Now, in 2023, the government wants to take away my right, if I so desire, to abort my own child. I AM OLD and even a doctor would say, this time, girl, you won't survive. But, it seems I no longer have a right to my body as a woman. This is not how I grew up! My poor grandmother who died several years ago at the age of 87, born during the Depression believed in abortion, even for me, if I so desired. Of course, at the time, strong enough to raise a child physically (mentally, no one in my family really is, there is always that in my mind), it wasn't an option...But, I NEVER EVER thought to EVER push or make another person's decision for them. After all, that is their place and none of my business. You know what is it with people...that if they can prevent women who desire having abortions for having them then they are somehow the better person? When I think back to who I was then, I think mentally, that if I chose to have my child even when circumstances could have warranted an abortion, the fact I made the better decision (in my own mind) made me the better person. Not forcing another person to disrupt their lives and body if they didn't want to. Because even if I didn't want to, that I made the choice to do the better thing with no one forcing me to do so, that made me the better person. And I digress to the she/he/they/them/whatever else goes there. I am a reader and, the first time I read a book where one person referred to themselves as a multiple person, it really put a crimp in my ability to digest. But, I am an old woman now. My generation no longer defines the fads of youth or all of the future, what will be. If the kids today find that they want to refer to themselves as multiple people, or whatever the jazz is with all that, that's on them. I just wish, instead of using they/them or whatever, they would have chosen to use the word omen. To me, it's in between women and men (and does not make me think, hey there are two people in the scene referred to, when there is only one). But, unlike Republicans, I, myself, don't define all of the world. I am just here to learn and accept it. And MAGA has finally found their place, in Michigan county. I am sure, in time, some kind of request, to become something bigger, better and more influential than what they are will come. And, if they build a fence around the area, maybe the rest of the country can hope to ignore them. But these pesky Republicans are just too darn loud. And really, the whole lot began longer than with Trump, information I was unaware of until I read a newly released book at the end of last year, American Psychosis by David Corn. There has been a MAGA party as part of the Republican party for longer than most know, I mean, really, if we were to look at Senator McCarthy and all the crap he churned up in his time in the limelight, for all the cries of Communists, hearings and people being black balled....where we they? At times, I like to think that Trump is a song and dance man, a little like a magician (a job I believe too hard for the man, he makes good hair disappear though)...that while you are watching him something else is happening, something that Trump, himself, may not even know about. After all, before he ran for President almost all his contributions went to support Democrats. It wasn't until the party approached Trump and he stepped into this role, a role that he was well suited for, yes, but what was the whole point of putting this man into the highest seat of our country. I actually cringe to think of the most uncouth man ever, who stepped into this role and got louder than he had ever been before. Was there something else going on, something he was meant to distract us from? Because I have the hardest time believing that educated people can follow this man. The funniest thing would be if there is something that Trump was meant to distract the country from noticing (a little like the Pelican Brief by Grisham)...if he didn't believe in the BS he spouted, all those who followed him would just be one big, fat, joke. Sorry for the long comment, it's just once I start to read this Republican Party "change the world" drama and see how it is actually, now, affecting me, taking away my rights, as a person....In my youth I was such a proud American. Now, all I want to do is leave and wish I had been born in a better place or, the path our country had taken was one that had promoted real change, rather than the sham of it. After all, now the Holocaust hasn't happened and we are re-writing History books. The worst for our future generations because the only thing that got us to where we are is knowledge. But, that knowledge has to be real. Faking things will only lead to our demise, as a country, as a world and as a species.